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スバルWRX STI マン島のラップタイムの記録更新。平均速度187.4km/h

国内の自動車系情報サイトでの紹介はまだの様ですが、インプレッサWRX STIが、マン島の37.75マイル、200のコーナーを有しているMountain Race Circuitの持つ、4輪のコースレコードを3年ぶりに更新しました。ラップタイムは19分26秒、アベレージは116.470mphって事は、約187.440296km/hですね(驚)



2015 WRX STI Sets New Lap Record at Isle of Man with Avg. Speed of 116.47 MPH [w/Video]

British rally champ Mark Higgins did it again at this year's edition of the Isle of Man TT Road Course breaking the previous lap record he set in 2011 with the older Subaru WRX STI by 30.7 seconds and increasing the average speed record for cars by a little over 3mph (~5 km/h) in the all-new (U.S.-spec) 2015 Subaru WRX STI.
Higgins, who recorded a lap time of 19 minutes and 26 seconds with an average speed of 116.470 mph (187.40 km/h) at the TT today, said he could have done even better.

“It was quite a lap we did today and I am really happy to have another record in the bank. The chassis on this new car is so much better it really allowed me to pick up time in each sector in the more technical parts of the course,” Higgins said. “I think there is definitely time that we left on the course. I lost time on the second part of the track, overshooting my braking point at Sign Post corner. I actually hand-braked the turn in the end, so I feel we can definitely do better.”

The U.S.-specification 2015 WRX STI that Higgins raced was stock with some safety exceptions like the FIA-spec roll-cage, racing seat and harness, fire suppression system and high decibel straight exhaust (for crowd safety), plus the modified springs and dampers "to handle the sustained high speeds and changing conditions of the course" and the fitment of Dunlop Derezza tires.

While we're waiting for the official video, you can catch a glimpse of Higgins' ride in the following short clip shot by one of the spectators.


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この記事へのトラックバック一覧です: スバルWRX STI マン島のラップタイムの記録更新。平均速度187.4km/h:

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